Tag Archives: art

Killer Art Weird Appalachia

Killer Art S1E20

Did you know that John Wayne Gacy was a painter? Or that MANY other serial killers dabbled in the arts? This week we are visiting the artwork of the darkest minds on Earth.

DISCLAIMER: We do not in any way want to celebrate these people or what they did. This episode is meant to be explorative of the darkness behind their art and WHY they created as they did. There was a great unease between us speaking about such disturbing content that triggered nervous laughter and odd responses. We do not wish to make light of their crimes. NSFW, Potential Trigger warning (abuse, violence).

In the Episode

  • The art of Otis Toole
  • The art of Henry Lucas
  • The art of Daniel Rolling
  • Charles Manson: Art and Music?
  • John Wayne Gacy: The reason people hate effin’ clowns.
  • “Murderabilia”
  • Our first-ever Horror Icon of the Week!!


Warhol the Rebel Weird Appalachia

Warhol the Rebel S1E19

This week we are discussing the bizarre life of the one and only Andy Warhol. An unusual man finding beauty in the mundane and the commercial.

In the Episode:

  • His life and early work
  • Commercial artist to serious artist
  • What did he contribute to the art world? And was it for the better?
  • His extensive projects and eccentricities


Music to Make Babies to Weird Appalachia

Music to Make Babies to S1E17

A little on the NSFW side this time, we are talking about sexuality in mainstream music and our picks for the best “get it on” music. It’s gettin’ hot in hurrr…

In the Episode:

  • The evolution of sex in mainstream music and entertainment
  • Elvis!
  • The impact of Madonna
  • Our favorites in romantic music and sexy vocals
  • Sexual pioneers in the music world


How to Act Right Weird Appalachia

How to Act Right S1E16

Let us educate the children on the importance of not being a jerk in the art gallery… or ever, for that matter! Settle in for an etiquette lesson based on our own personal experiences.

In the Episode:

  • How to act right in the gallery
  • How to act right as an artist or viewer
  • How to act right online
  • A delightful Tom Whitaker tangent
  • Art in the Yard!


Comic Books Weird Appalachia

Comic Books Issue 1: The Golden Age S1E14

Yes, comic books are an artform… and YESSS we LOVE THEM! This week we are discussing the origins and respected artists of the Golden Age.

In the Episode:

  • Our experiences with comic books
  • Prominent artists in the format
  • The history of comic books through the Golden Age


Frida the Rebel Weird Appalachia

Frida the Rebel S1E13

Frida Kahlo! Artist, feminist icon, and rebel ‘til the end. We are celebrating the life and work of our of our favorites.

In the Episode:

  • The tragic life of the artist
  • Her haunting imagery
  • Her impact on modern feminism


Friggin' Pinterest Weird Appalachia

Friggin’ Pinterest S1E11

Are Pinterest and viral videos ruining innovation in art? We have a lot of opinions on this! This time we are discussing originality in the information age.

in the Episode:

  • Standing out as an artist
  • Copying or inspired by?
  • Giving CREDIT
  • Why copying is a problem
  • Being original in an oversaturated art world


The Artists that Appalachia Built Weird Appalachia

The Artists that Appalachia Built S1E10

Our 10th episode! We are talking about how Appalachia and its wonderful people uniquely shaped us into the artists we are today. Being an artist in Eastern Kentucky is a very different experience that we would like to share our perspective on with you.

In the Episode:

  • How Appalachian art has changed
  • The struggle artists face in our area
  • Our mentors
  • How we are trying to give back


Picasso the Rebel Weird Appalachia

Picasso the Rebel S1E8

Pablo Picasso: Painter, Genius, REBEL

In the Episode:

  • The controversial career of Picasso
  • His colorful love life
  • Our favorite works
  • Why his work was so impactful



Nekkid S1E7

This one is NSFW! What is the line between tasteful nude art and pornography? Is there a line? This week we are discussing nudity in art and film as well as *ahem* the sexy stuff. Possible trigger warning.

In the Episode:

  • Famous nudes
  • Nudity in film
  • The earliest forms of pornography
  • Modern Pornography