Tag Archives: fine art

weird appalachia dali the rebel

Dali the Rebel S2E20

Artists are rebels by nature, but few have left a lasting impact on all media like Salvador Dali! Film, fashion, furniture… this man did it all! And did so with some very questionable behavior so HEADS UP, GUYS!!! This one gets NSFW, because you can’t talk about Dali without mentioning his antics. Nothing about this guy was mild mannered, to say the least!

In the Episode:

  • Surrealism, Freud, and the Human Mind
  • A lobster phone?
  • An amazing interaction between Dali and Andy Warhol
  • Dali’s outlandish publicity stunts

Episode Sources: [Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3]

hillbilly art riot weird appalachia

Hillbilly Art Riot S2E14

IT’S OUR 40TH EPISODE!! Kentucky sure can throw an art shindig! Join Erin and Jess as we share all the details about the truly unique art culture in our small, rural towns! Find all the art we talk about on weirdappalachia.com!

In The Episode:

  • Our favorite galleries: a hillbilly artist’s dream come true!
  • Being an artist in a small town & pricing work
  • The eclectic bunch of Kentuckians making AMAZING ART!


weird appalachia o'keeffe the rebel

O’Keeffe the Rebel S2E10

Often the center of gossip, this artist was a true rebel to the core. Let ‘em talk! Georgia O’Keeffe was a trailblazer for women in the arts and wasn’t afraid to stir up some controversy. Mildly NSFW… it’s O’Keeffe, guys! You KNOW we have to talk about some human anatomy!

Seriously though…. We laughed so hard recording this episode, we almost didn’t get the thing made!

In the Episode:

  • Jess is BACK!
  • The life and scandalous times of Georgia O’Keeffe
  • The infamous flower paintings… lady parts?
  • The dreaded phrase “great WOMAN painter”
  • Georgia’s antics later in life
  • Our favorite works


The OG Selfie S2E6

Self-portraits: the OG selfies. Nearly every famous artist has created one. Some even spent their entire career making one after another, while others chose to hide themselves in their work. Erin and special guest Artist Tim Smith are digging into the meanings behind them and sharing some of our favorites.

In the Episode:

  • Tim Smith’s exciting work in 2D and 3D media
  • Famous self-portraits: the wonderful and weird!
  • Artists who hid themselves in their work
  • Why do we feel compelled to create a self-portrait
  • Does the modern Selfie count?


Picasso the Rebel Weird Appalachia

Picasso the Rebel S1E8

Pablo Picasso: Painter, Genius, REBEL

In the Episode:

  • The controversial career of Picasso
  • His colorful love life
  • Our favorite works
  • Why his work was so impactful